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Freed Associates News
December Edition

As this year draws to a close, it is time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the upcoming year. I enjoy the holiday season for making more time to read, puzzle and enjoy time with family and friends. 2022 has been an exciting year for Freed Associates. We were named Top 100 Best Small Workplaces by Fortune Magazine and Great Place to Work®. We launched our new video podcast series called Healing Healthcare. And we hosted our second annual webinar focused on health equity.

One significant push for Freed this year has been to help organizations improve care experiences for patients and members. To that end, we’ve developed a hands-on, 5-step eBook titled Exceptional Consumer Experience Is Defining the New Era of Healthcare – Here’s How to Embrace It.

Regarding our new podcast series, you absolutely won’t want to miss the latest 15-minute Healing Healthcare episode. Timshel Tarbet of SCAN Health Plan discusses how her organization is effectively Closing Medication Adherence Gaps for Black and Hispanic members by leveraging data, DEI, and leadership incentives.

Finally, if you didn’t catch our hour-long webinar, Health Equity and Health Plans – A Way Forward, you can see it on demand. It’s a lively, insightful discussion among experts addressing the organizational and systemic challenges health plans are facing and the essential role that data plays in health equity.

I hope you are enjoying our new content, and I look forward to any feedback you may have.

Enjoy your holiday season.


Dava Freed
Founder and CEO


Consumer Experience in Healthcare

How do you take a human-centered approach to improving healthcare? Read our new eBook and discover the five critical steps to successful consumer-centered improvement efforts, common pitfalls, pro tips for success, and more.

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Industry Perspectives

Applying a DEI Lens to Medication Adherence

Don’t miss our latest episode of Healing Healthcare. Timshel Tarbet, VP of Business Excellence and Diversity Strategy at SCAN Health Plan, discusses proven strategies used to improve medication adherence among Black and Hispanic members by 35%.

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On-Demand Webinar

Health Equity and Health Plans — A Way Forward

Hear leading experts as we discuss the future of health plans and health equity. Our latest on-demand webinar covers the current state of health equity, what plans need to be doing right now, how CalAIM funding can enhance collaboration between plans and CBOs, and more.

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