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October 2021 NEWSLETTER

Dear Freed Associates Community,

Every person across the nation who consumes healthcare is experiencing a rapid change in the many ways that care can be accessed, delivered and managed. We see Amazon, Apple and major forces from other industries beginning to impact the healthcare market in one form or another, which will have wide-ranging implications to consumers, providers and payers.

Our lead article examines lessons that can be drawn from key industries outside of healthcare when it comes to successfully improving consumer experiences. We hope you find this information, as well as the case studies in this issue of our newsletter, both illuminating and inspiring.

Dava Freed, Founder and CEO

Point OF View

Three Key Lessons for Digital Health Care from the Consumer and Service Industries.

For health care, digital means adopting a new patient-centric mindset.

No one can deny the pandemic’s impact on the health care industry. While the pandemic has obviously strained health care capacity and workers, it has also helped evolve care delivery through non-traditional channels, particularly digital. This significant change in care provision has created a tremendous opportunity for health care to reimagine care within the context of a digital environment.

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Case Study

Improved PPO Claims Boost Medical Group’s New Business Potential.

Significantly increased claims and claims reject volume swamped the medical group’s customized technology, requiring substantial manual labor to fix. Increased payment turnaround time, aging accounts receivable and claims status confusion prompted providers to leave the program.

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Case Study

Health Plan’s PBM Upgrade Lowers Costs, Improves Member Services.

A major regional health plan sought to streamline its pharmacy benefits to improve affordability, enhance pharmacy program offerings and deliver better claims processing. The health plan had been using two different pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), but wished to transition to just one.

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